Just How Does a Random Jackpot Work Exactly?
Before we begin with our explanation, we’d like to say that this is a very good question indeed and that everyone who is a serious slot player should have asked it at least once, at one time or another. After all, the more you know, the more experienced you’ll feel, which means more confident in your overall gameplay! This is all about the most important aspect of gambling (other than having fun, of course) – earnings! So, if you want to have a stronger chance of winning those Jackpots, you first have to know precisely how they work!
But enough jibber-jabber, we know some of you are impatient to finally learn all about this random Jackpot, and we’re all too happy to oblige. Read on, ladies and gentlemen!
Let’s Take it Step by Step…
The first thing to know is that there is no great complexity in how random Jackpots work. For one thing, you go about playing your specific slot as per usual, making sure to also play any additional Bonus Features, Rounds, Games…such, as say, the popular Free Spins Round, which comes more often than not in many slots out there.
The thing is, as you may already know, at the end of a paid Spin, there will always be a 1 in X chance that the player will hit and be awarded with a random Jackpot. It’s really not surprising at all once you realize that the keyword here is ‘random’. One really can’t predict when it occurs or when it doesn’t. having said that, it doesn’t mean there aren’t certain rules to how it works.
Second of all, if the you, as the player, are awarded a Free Spins Round, then the thing you should consider is that they are ‘free’, not paid. Meaning, they don’t count as paid spins, of course. Every player is happy to get their hands on as many Free Spins as possible, as is right, but they really need to keep this in mind.
You see, what this means when it comes to that random Jackpot is that the player will only get the chance to win it, once the final element of the Spin, or game, has been completed.
What Are My Chances?
Ah, yet another good, question, if we do say so ourselves. Let’s base your chances on a $1 bet (in total). In such a case, your chance is either increased or decreased, in proportionate manner which is based on your total spin amount. Sounds a bit complicated? Then let’s make it clearer by giving you an example: let’s say the player is a single line spin, with a coin value of 1 cent. That would mean you have 100 times less of a chance of winning that random Jackpot, then you’d have with a spin of 1 dollar.
Furthermore, it should be clear that a proportion of your bet is placed towards the random Jackpot, which, in most cases, is no more than 1,5% of the player’s return. Some players claim that the best way of winning this type of slot is for the player to set it at 1 cent per spin, and then proceed by using the Autoplay option. How many? Thousands of spins!
The whole idea behind such a strategy is that you won’t be giving a fortune away, with just one cent a spin, even if it is that many spins. You will need so many, since this greatly increases your odds at hitting that Jackpot.
And yet, once again we feel inclined to mention, since this type of Jackpot is a random one, the logic is that any game has the same odds at winning it, regardless of the number of spins one puts in. The theory still stays, that a high-roller has a bigger chance than anyone else. This, by the virtue of the value of their bets.
Some Other Thoughts on the Matter
There are certain online casinos which let you play your desired slots for free, in order to let you have a real ‘look and feel’. That’s all great and all, but, as you can imagine in this case, it won’t do you any good. Like we mentioned multiple times, you can’t keep any random Jackpots during any free gameplay!
As for when you feel ready to play at any featured casino for real cash, you shouldn’t forget that they all offer some kinds of bonuses. This is so they could give your initial deposit a nice boost. Having said that, if your intention is to play and win a random Jackpot with a casino bonus, it is of crucial importance that you check first, to make sure you are actually permitted to play such a slot type with the bonus money you’ve been awarded.
Lastly, we’d also like to inform you that, more often than not, the casino in question will a maximum cash-out value on any of the player’s winnings, those which have been derived from playing with the mentioned casino bonus. This is just one more of the many reasons why you should always carefully read through, to see if you comply, with all of the terms and conditions attached to the casino bonus you have chosen to accept.
There you have it, folks. We certainly hope this was of real use to you, and that you managed to learn something you didn’t know before. If, on the other hand, you already knew all of this, then what’s left for us to say to you is: kudos!
You’ve already become an expert and there’s nothing stopping you from giving your best in the hopes of winning that random Jackpot! Good luck to all of you players out there, whether aspiring, rookies, seasoned, or any other kind!
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